Each of us is a beneficiary of the efforts and sacrifices of thousands who came before. Efforts and sacrifices, made not only by those recognized on holidays and in history books, but also by those who, without fanfare, survived. Survived "the Middle Passage"; survived slavery; survived "separate but equal"; survived "Jim Crow"; and now survive integration and diversity. Silent warriors whose reward was "better days" for those who followed. Upon their shoulders, we now stand.
We would be remiss if we did not aknowledge the acts of those who make any, and all, success we experience possible:
First, we must extend our heartfelt gratitude to our paid listers. Their participation and financicial support faciltate the achievement of goals far larger than their own individual pecuniary reward.
Next, we extend our sincere appreciation for each and every visitor to our site. Your support provides the incentives for continued, and hopefully increasing, participation by listers.
SUBMITTERS The following individuals were the top submitters of listings during the past quarter.
Irvin P. Kirkwood, Chicago, IL
*Some submitters choose not to be publicly recoginized.
DONORS The following individuals donated to the website's support during the past quarter.