*Essence VIP Hair Designers

2551 North Clark Street, Ground floor
Chicago Illinois 60614
(773) 931-1216
EssenceVIP Hairdesigners is your hair and beauty destination of Chicago IL, conviniently located in Lincoln Park neighborhood. We offer top salon services, such as relaxers, hair straightening, hair coloring, press & curling, Flat or Chi iron, natural hair care, dreadlocks, weaves and extensions. Let lead stylist, Teresa (Terez) Zeigler, work with you to achieve the type of hair style that best suits your personality and lifestyle.

Teresa also has extensive experience in repairing the mistakes of other, less professional hair designers.
Year Started:
Business Hours:
Monday - Friday: 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM, Saturday: 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM, Sunday: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Payment Methods:
Accepts Credit Cards
Street Parking, Private Lot Parking, Valet Parking
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